At the Parks Foundation, we’re always working to improve, conserve and restore the nine parks in Allegheny County. We contribute big-picture and long-term thinking, as well as fundraising efforts through our partnership with Allegheny County. By using the Allegheny County Parks Comprehensive Master Plan and other studies as our guide, we raise public and private funds from foundations, corporations, state and federal grant programs and individuals to design and implement projects in our parks. We commission and conduct surveys, plans and ecological assessments of our individual parks and park system which guide the strategic development of improvements in all nine county parks. All projects are undertaken in partnership with Allegheny County, with the county matching most private and non-county public funds raised by the Parks Foundation.


Older couple smiling and sitting on bench with small dog on lap.

Bench Program

three scultpures with Hartwood Acres Mansion in background. The sculptures are large and red, white and blue in color.

The Carol R. Brown Sculpture Garden at Hartwood Acres

women taking ecological samples from stream

Ecological Assessments and Action Plans

South Park Concert Series from stage with people

Economic Impact Study

Old stone shelter with picnic bench and snow on the roof.

Edgebrook Shelter Restoration

Latodami Nature Center Master Site Plan and Barn Feasibility Study

Marshall Island Improvements

dam flows into stream with riparian rocks along streamside. Bench and trail in background.

North Fork Pine Creek Riparian Buffer

North Park Observation Tower

Observation Tower

Circle of rocks in woods

Paul Riis Trail

Settlers Cabin Park Entrance Enhancements

murky water in stream

Settlers Cabin Mine Pollution Clean Up Planning

Small Project Stewardship Program

high water stream

Streams Assessments

Executive Director Caren Glotfelty (center) receives the first donation to the Suffragist Grove from Women of Wet Weather

Suffragist Grove

wide trail in woods

Trail Connectivity Study between White Oak and South Park

young girl planting a tree

Tree Fund Program


Click on an image to learn more.
Newly planted trees in allee in Round Hill Park

Allée Restoration

Sheep in Animal Shelter Projects

Animal Shelters

Tree Planting

Beaver Pond Riparian Planting

Cascades at South Park


Chimney Swift Habitat Towers

Chimney Swift Habitat Towers

Community Awareness and Park User Surveys

Deer Lakes Park Cattail Drive Entrance Sign

Comprehensive Signage Guidelines

Fairgrounds Oval Improvements

Fairgrounds Oval Improvements

People walking over bridge in South Park

Green Design Parking Solution

Goats signage

Interpretive Signage

Lake Trail - Pearce Mill Road Section

Lake Trail – Pearce Mill Road Section

Flowers in a meadow


Montour Connector Trail Bench

Montour Connector Trail

Nevin Shelter

Parks cascades

Outdoor Classroom at the Cascades

Panhandle Connector Trail - Phase 1

Panhandle Connector Trail – Phase 1

Thank you for visiting Deer Lakes Park

Signage Pilot Project Installation

Playground Parking Area Tree Planting

Settlers Cabin Waterfall

Settlers Cabin Waterfall Trail

Trail Guide

Visitors Center Rain Garden

Visitors Center Rain Garden


Wildlife Habitat Improvement Project: 2021-2022