Economic Impact Study

Parks Foundation hosts 50/50 during Summer Concert Series


The Parks Foundation has contracted professional consultants to conduct an economic impact study of the nine Allegheny County Parks. In 2016 and 2022, the Parks Foundation commissioned Park User Surveys that provided important data on the number of visits the Allegheny County Parks receive each year. Park visitation increased 12.5% during that time period from 20.7 million in 2016 to 23.2 million in 2022. To follow up that survey, we are now determining, for the first time, the economic impact of these visits on both the regional and local economies to help validate the importance of the parks beyond their social and recreational value.

With the vast number of amenities in the parks and the variety of activities offered, we would like to understand how the nine county parks impact the outdoor recreational industry in our region. We also seek to understand the impact on the local economy, specifically, if visitors are staying and shopping locally, eating at a nearby restaurant, or renting a bike or kayak at one of the parks. Since some of the parks have unique amenities, we also hope to understand and share what visitors save by using the county park amenity versus another similar amenity. For example, the ski area at Boyce Park or the golf courses located in North and South Parks. Finally, using the deep work that we have done in the Ecological Assessments and Action Plans and Stream Assessments, we would like to understand the impact or potential impacts made on air and water quality in our region. By continuing these environmental projects, we hope to be able to share why it is critically important to continue the work of conserving these regional assets within Allegheny County.


    • Allegheny County
    • 4Ward Planning


    • Richard King Mellon Foundation