Ecological Assessments and Action Plans

Woman assesses water in creek at Allegheny County Parks


The Allegheny County Parks Foundation has worked with the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy to complete ecological assessments and action plans for eight of Allegheny County’s nine parks and are working on assessing the remaining park. These comprehensive studies evaluate each park’s natural resources and ecological assets and recommend an implementation plan for improving the environment of the park.  The Parks Foundation has used these to guide a number of projects, often with the help of volunteers from the community, schools and corporations. Projects recommended by these assessments include planting trees, meadows and rain gardens to reduce and improve the quality of stormwater runoff. Learn about the impact of this work!


We are actively fundraising to complete the assessment for North Park.


  • Allegheny County
  • Western Pennsylvania Conservancy


  • Boyce Park: PNC Foundation
  • Deer Lakes Park: The Caroline Fredricka Holdship Charitable Trust and FedEx
  • Harrison Hills Park: The Caroline Fredricka Holdship Charitable Trust
  • Hartwood Acres Park: Benedum Foundation and Garden Club of Allegheny County
  • Round Hill Park: Benedum Foundation
  • Settlers Cabin Park: Benedum Foundation
  • South Park: PNC Foundation and The Heinz Endowments
  • White Oak Park: Benedum Foundation