Paul Riis Trail


Paul Riis was the first Director of the Allegheny County Parks from 1928-1932. The Paul Riis Trail is intended to share his naturalistic vision for the parks while also highlighting historic stone features built in his style in South Park. These features include The Cascades, the Vale of Cashmere, Silent Brook and the site of the former naturalistic swimming pool.  The trail will also connect to the Oliver Miller Homestead, a historic site with living history presentations that commemorate the pioneer settlers of Western Pennsylvania.  Travelers on the Montour Trail will be able to access to the Paul Riis Trail by way of the South Park Montour Connector Trail completed by the Parks Foundation in 2014.

This project will include the following elements: widen and make slope adjustments to existing trail; add accessible new trail; decommission existing trail due to deteriorating conditions; address water management; improve accessibility; add hardened surface; enhance the trailhead that connects to the newly restored historic Cascades water feature and meadow; and plant restoration trees. Interpretive signage will also be added to highlight historic and ecological features for trail users.


This project is in the fundraising phase.


Allegheny County


The Allegheny County Parks Foundation raised the funds for this project. Funding was provided by:

  • Allegheny County
  • Colcom Foundation