Nov 05 Celebrating Giving Tuesday: The Parks Connect Us.
The parks connect us.
Whether you grew up visiting Settlers Cabin Park in the southwestern region of the county or your backyard is Harrison Hills Park in the northeastern tip of Allegheny County, we all have one thing in common — the Allegheny County Parks are there for us.
The Allegheny County Parks Foundation works year-round to support the parks that keep us connected, raising critical funds for improvements for all nine of our county parks. Our parks are woven into the fabric of our community. From family gatherings and youth sporting events, to offering a place to meet up and connect with the backdrop of nature, our parks serve as a venue for connection for 23 million annual visits.

As people for the parks, it takes all of us to protect the parks that have been a constant source of connection in our lives. When we support our parks by donating to the Parks Foundation, we care for our community by investing in:
- Environmental Sustainability: By planting trees and meadows to protect natural habitats for essential plants and wildlife.
- Community Well-Being: By improving greenspaces that encourage outdoor activities and social recreation that benefit our mental and physical health.
- Future Generations: By ensuring that current generations are connected to and care for our parks, while preserving their beauty for future visitors.

Marcie and Donny met on their first date in North Park after growing up near different county parks—Marcie frequenting North Park and Donny visiting South Park. They began dating during the height of the pandemic, using the parks as a safe way to get to know each other. “Fast forward a couple of years when planning for our wedding, we kept coming back to the place that connected us. We decided to get married in North Park, in the place that we love surrounded by the people we love.”
The parks have always been a place for Marcie and Donny to connect and create memories, not just with one another, but with their communities as well. “North Park was always there for me growing up, from birthdays to graduation parties,” says Marcie. “Donny learned to golf in South Park as a child and now we share that hobby together and play at the North Park Golf Course. Our county parks are a place where people from all backgrounds can come together in a safe, peaceful space.”
Marcie and Donny understand the importance of investing back into the outdoor spaces that have given them so much over the course of their lives. “The parks were there for us offering anything we needed. Now we want to leave the parks better than we found them for the generations after us to enjoy as we do.”
By donating to the Allegheny County Parks Foundation, you are ensuring that our parks remain a place for connection and belonging now, and for generations to come. Give today and your gift will be matched 100% thanks to a matching fund provided by dedicated park supporters.
We’re so grateful for your commitment to keeping our 12,000 acres of greenspace vibrant and open to everyone. When we love our parks, our parks will continue to connect us all.
Thanks to generous Parks Foundation supporters up to $10,000 of donations will be matched dollar for dollar. DOUBLE your impact on the parks!