Welcome to the Allegheny County Parks Foundation

Our Mission

girls plant trees

The Allegheny County Parks Foundation strengthens the health and vibrancy of our community by improving, conserving and restoring the nine Allegheny County Parks. Working in partnership with Allegheny County, the Parks Foundation brings together ideas, leadership and resources to make the parks more sustainable and enjoyable for all.

The Allegheny County Parks Foundation raises public and private funds from foundations, corporations, state and federal grant programs and individuals to design and implement projects in our parks. We commission and conduct surveys, plans and ecological assessments of our individual parks and park system which guide the strategic development of improvements in all nine county parks. All projects are undertaken in partnership with Allegheny County, and the county matches most private and non-county public funds raised by the Parks Foundation.

Our Core Values

  1. Excellence. We promote best practices by enhancing the park experience with improvements that incorporate both high-quality design and respectful conservation of historic park assets.
  2. Sustainability. We act as stewards of nature and advance sound environmental practices and ecological awareness.
  3. Healthy Lifestyles. We help provide facilities and spaces that promote health and well-being through exercise and contact with nature.
  4. Accessibility. We are committed to strategies that enable access to parks and park facilities by all county residents and visitors.
  5. Collaboration. We build partnerships with citizens and organizations who recognize our network of parks as valued assets for a growing and vibrant community.

Our History

In September 2007, then-County Executive Dan Onorato announced the formation of the Allegheny County Parks Foundation, the non-profit partner to Allegheny County that would improve, conserve and restore park facilities and open spaces by raising funds, designing projects and supporting educational, recreational and cultural activities in the nine parks. This action was recommended in 2002 by the County’s comprehensive master plan for the parks to address deferred park maintenance and develop new funding opportunities from corporations, foundations and individuals.

In February 2009, ACPF and Allegheny County entered into a formal agreement in which the County pledged $10 million to match private funds for capital projects raised by ACPF. To date, ACPF has raised over $12 million, matched by Allegheny County and other sources, for a total project investment of over $19 million in the Allegheny County Parks.

The Parks Foundation continues to value its partnership with Allegheny County, now under the leadership of County Executive Sara Innamorato. All park improvement projects are undertaken in collaboration with Parks Department staff and the County has continued its commitment to match project funding.